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Power Pages Actions: Pass any Parameter

Previous videos showed passing a string and an entity reference, but the other parameters are missing an explanation. And while for some types, like integer, this might not be needed, but with complex types, like EntityCollection, it’s not that clear. So here is a reference for all possible inputs for Custom APIs and their respective outputs.

General concepts

The Actions Adapter needs to guess your input, so you will find, that for complex types, there is something chosen to identify them correctly. For example, both OptionSetValue (Picklist) and Money have a Value property in their definition in C#. But how would the Actions Adapter would decide what { Value: 3 } is?* So instead { OptionSetValue: 3 } and { Money: 3 } make for a clear differentiation.

This concept does not apply to the outputs. They are pretty much left untouched and passed as is. So both an OptionSetValue as well as a Money field might be passed back to you as { Value: 3 } assuming you know by the name of the output what field type is behind this.

*: The adapter could evaluate the Metadata to be sure, but that would have a performance impact with additional queries to Dynamics.

Field Types

For this article, I created a simple Custom API that returns all inputs to the outputs. For every type, there was an input and output defined named like the type. So both the Custom API Request Parameter and Custom API Response Property for the type String are called String.

The following sections will show an example of an input object passing exactly one Custom API Request Parameter and the construction of an output object with the corresponding Custom API Response Property. Some sections may contain additional explanations.


var inputs = {
   String: "Hello"
var outputs = {
    String: "Hello"


var inputs = {
   StringArray: ["Hello", "World"],
var outputs = {
    StringArray: ["Hello", "World"],


If a string is parsable as Guid, it will be converted accordingly.

var inputs = {
   Guid: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
var outputs = {
    Guid: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"


var inputs = {
   Integer: 1
var outputs = {
    Integer: 1


var inputs = {
   Float: 5.5
var outputs = {
    Float: 5.5


To mark something as a decimal, pass it as a string with an “m” at the end.

var inputs = {
   Decimal: "10.4m"
var outputs = {
    Decimal: 10.4


var inputs = {
   Boolean: true
var outputs = {
    Boolean: true


var inputs = {
   DateTime: "2024-08-03T15:27:41Z"
var outputs = {
    DateTime: "2024-08-03T15:27:41Z"


Notice here that the required property for the input is OptionSetValue while in the output it is called Value.

var inputs = {
    Picklist: {
        OptionSetValue: 1
var outputs = {
    Picklist: {
        Value: 1


Notice here that the required property for the input is Money while in the output it is called Value.

var inputs = {
    Money: {
        Money: 7.8
var outputs = {
    Money: {
        Value: 7.8


To be recognized as an EntityReference, the properties LogicalName and Id should be present.

var inputs = {
    EntityReference: { 
        LogicalName: "contact",
        Id: "4121902e-0530-ef11-8409-6045bd9e7366"
var outputs = {
    EntityReference: {
        Id: "4121902e-0530-ef11-8409-6045bd9e7366", 
        LogicalName: "contact", 
        Name: null, 
        KeyAttributes: [], 
        RowVersion: null


To be recognized as an Entity, the properties LogicalName and Attributes should be present. Id is optional but is displayed here as a common use case.

var inputs = {
    Entity: { 
            LogicalName: "contact",
            Id: "4121902e-0530-ef11-8409-6045bd9e7366",
            Attributes: {
                firstname: "Marius",
                lastname: "Wodtke"
var outputs = {
    Entity: {
        Id: "4121902e-0530-ef11-8409-6045bd9e7366", 
        LogicalName: "contact", 
        Attributes: [
                Key: "firstname", 
                Value: "Marius"
                Key: "lastname", 
                Value: "Wodtke"
        EntityState: null, 
        FormattedValues: [], 
        KeyAttributes: [], 
        RelatedEntities: []
        RowVersion: null


To be recognized as an EntityEntityCollection, the properties EntityName and Entities should be present. Entities then contains Entity objects as seen above.

var inputs = {
    EntityCollection: {
        EntityName: "contact",
        Entities: [
                LogicalName: "contact",
                Id: userid,
                Attributes: {
                    firstname: "Marius",
                    lastname: "Wodtke"

var outputs = {
    Entities: [
            Id: "4121902e-0530-ef11-8409-6045bd9e7366", 
            LogicalName: "contact", 
            Attributes: [
                    Key: "firstname", 
                    Value: "Marius"
                    Key: "lastname", 
                    Value: "Wodtke"
            EntityState: null, 
            FormattedValues: [], 
            KeyAttributes: [], 
            RelatedEntities: []
            RowVersion: null
    EntityName: "contact"
    MinActiveRowVersion: null
    MoreRecords: false
    PagingCookie: null
    TotalRecordCount: 0
    TotalRecordCountLimitExceeded: false


The Power Pages Actions solution can handle all possible input types. Some types like Decimal might need special handling and complex parameters like Entity need extra care to ensure that the properties are named correctly.

The solution can hand out all possible output parameters. Here the properties are what you would find in C#.

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